About Us

Trendingfinders.com offers hundreds of Top20 shortlists to help you make informed decisions and easily compare your purchasing options online. Trusted by millions, our shortlists are enriched with editorial reviews and deep-dive, informational articles – all with the goal of turning your online purchasing decision into a breeze.

Since 2016 we’ve honed our expertise and broadened our scope and abilities. The ever-growing pool of shortlists caters to all facets of life in the digital age: from online dating and website building platforms to mortgage providers and VPN services, hostings, security, travel deals – and many, many more in between.

How do we create shortlists?

Once we have an idea for a new Top20 list, our product, content, data, tech, and marketing departments knuckle down to bring it together. With a decade of experience in comparison, our teams scour every corner of the web, research the options, and distill the information to create tools for confident decision making. Our data scientists dive into big data sets to analyze trends and bring insights that get passed on to our product department, so we can filter the lists for each and every individual user.

Enhanced toolkits for informed purchasing decisions

Shortlists are the nucleus of decision making, but for deep divers there’s more in store: product reviews and feature comparisons, guides and articles, how to’s and tools, video reviews and tutorials.

People working for people

Our buzzing offices are filled with passionate, driven, skillful experts in their fields – thanks to years of experience in this business and a constant striving for growth and success. We work our magic together to deliver effective shortlists for people.